Apply your filter among the worklogs of your Jira instance :
Press the Generate button. You can switch between various views .
Default : A quick view of worklog authors VS projects
Issues : Visualize worklogs through the issues
Advanced : Perform advanced reporting capabilities by grouping by any field
Group by : Quick group by some important Jira fields such as project, status, epic among others
Advanced mode :
1. You can drill down through the table until you see single worklogs details
4. You can add a group using Drag & Drop to create a second, third and so on levels. You choose the order you want.
4.1 Project than worklog author :
4.2 Project than worklog author :
4.3 And more , for example adding group by epic name
4.4 or grouping by Epic first
5. You can hide some columns from your view , by clicking on the column header configuration :
N.B you can autosize a specific column or all columns to keep a better UX experience :