Planification gives the internal planning between users on projects involving issues.
You can plan future costs in the PLAN tab :
Main filter: Set up the initial filters to show the planned work.
Add plan work: Add a new planned work.
Add work log: Log a work against an issue.
Data table: Table overview of planned time.
Actions: Delete or edit the planned work.
Add worklog
You can add a worklog by:
Selecting an issue
Specifying the time spent
The starting date
Adding a comment explaining the work done.
And when you finish, press the Save button to add the worklog.
Add a planification
For the planification part, you can plan a future work by filling the following informations :
User, mandatory
Project , mandatory
Category , not mandatory
Component , not mandatory
Version, not mandatory
Issue, mandatory
Description, not mandatory
Scheduled time, mandatory
Time planned, mandatory
Create another plan, not mandatory