Advanced (Beta)

Advanced (Beta)

Go even further in tracking time, with Advanced, you simply choose your worklog author set the desired date range and generate your advanced timesheet within . The main feature of advanced is you can pivot and group by every Jira issue fields (Issue resolution, Issue priority, sprint…etc) and taylor made build your table by activate/deactivate columns.

To generate the advanced timesheet, you can switch between 2 options:

  • Basic: Use the filter and select the worklog author, set the period and click search to generate the advanced timesheet.

  • JQL: Compose your JQL command directly in the text area that appears and hit search to generate the advanced timesheet.



Basic search


  • Authors select

By default, all issue authors will be included, select one or more authors in this field. You have semi automatic search to speed up your selection.


  • Date range select

You have multiple presets to choose from for the date range:

  • Per week, this week, this month, first quarter of the year, second quarter of the year, third quarter of the year, last quarter of the year, first semester.

For more accurate date range, you have the option to define precisely from/to date range via a date picker.


  • Generate advanced timesheet

After you have built your filter and you’re happy with it, you click on this button to generate the advanced table timesheet.

JQL search

Compose your JQL command directly in the text area that appears and hit search to generate the advanced timesheet.


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