

Display & Organize your worklogs within calendar

Calendar toolbar



  • Switch user to take a look of the members of your team.

  • In date range, use the Left and Right arrows to cycle through weeks or use the button “current week” to directly get to the current week in calendar.

  • Select your time zone to perfectly sync worklogs with your time.

Drag & drop worklogs cards

  • You have the possibility to (* )drag and drop worklogs cards through days columns, informations will instantly sync.

(* ) Drag & Drop will be possible only whithin the current week .

Add worklogs

You have the possibility to log work within the calendar, to do so, click on the “+” button located at the top-right of every column; A modal will pop open to allow you create the worklog by entering numerous information related to it:



Consult & Edit worklogs cards


  • In calendar, worklogs are displayed in the form of cards, You can consult worklogs details by clicking on the them and the possibility to (* )edit/Delete.

(* ) You can edit/Delete the worklogs details only when you are the author of the issue/worklog, otherwise, you can just consult the worklog details and the edit function will be disabled.


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