


The planning module is available to end users only after :

  1. Enabling the feature in the capabilities section

  2. Configuring the permissions through Jira Permission Schemes

Please read carefully this documentation before activating the feature.

The Calendar module in Timesheet Tracking for Jira provides a visual representation of planned work, worklogs, and external events integrated from Google or Outlook Cloud. It allows users to efficiently manage their schedules, track progress, and convert events into actionable work items. This guide covers all the features of the Calendar module, including filters, user selection, total planned time tracking, and event management.

1. Accessing the Calendar Module

  1. Click on Report in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select Calendar from the available sections.


2. Calendar Interface Overview

The calendar interface is divided into several key sections:

1. Left Sidebar

The Left Sidebar in the Calendar Module makes searching and managing tasks more intuitive. With quick search, filters, and sorting options, users can easily find the issues they need. By default, sorting is set to Last Viewed, ensuring that the most recently accessed tasks appear first for a smoother workflow. Users can also sort by Creation Date, Priority, Status, Assignee, or Due Date, allowing them to tailor their view for better task organization. This streamlined approach improves navigation, saves time, and keeps work easily accessible.


2. User Selection

  • Display the calendar for a specific user by selecting them from the dropdown list.


User selection is only available for users who have the Browse Users and Groups permission in Jira. Additionally, the visibility of worklogs depends on the Browse Issues/Project permission, ensuring that users can only view worklogs associated with issues they have access to.

  • Worklogs created by other users cannot be modified.

  • The ability to modify workplans depends on the assigned permissions.

3. Advanced Filtering

  • Apply Jira filters to restrict the display to specific projects or issue categories.


4. Total Time Summary

The top navigation bar provides a seamless way to filter the calendar view, allowing users to focus on what matters most. With three optionsAll, Worklogs, and Workplans users can easily switch between a complete overview, logged work, and planned work for better tracking and organization.


All: Displays a consolidated view of all planned worklogs and workplans, providing an overview of planned and logged work. Users can add both worklogs and workplans, ensuring a comprehensive time-tracking.



Worklogs: Shows only worklogs, allowing users to track time spent on specific tasks and ensure accurate time reporting. In this view, users can add only worklogs, keeping the focus on logged work entries.


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Workplans: Focuses on planned work, helping users visualize upcoming tasks and manage their workload efficiently. In this view, users can add only workplans, ensuring a structured approach to planned work.


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  • Displays Total Time Spent and Total Time Planned for precise workload tracking.




5. Order By

Sorting Worklogs and Workplans with "Order By"

The Order By feature in the calendar module allows users to efficiently sort and organize their worklogs and workplans based on different criteria. This functionality enhances visibility and helps users track their planned and logged activities more effectively.

Available Sorting Options:

  • Default: Displays worklogs and workplans in their natural order without applying any specific sorting criteria.

  • Created: Sorts entries based on their creation date, helping users quickly identify the most recently added worklogs or workplans.

  • Started: Organizes records by their start time, allowing users to view work in chronological order.

  • Time Spent: Prioritizes worklogs based on the total time logged, useful for tracking tasks that consume the most effort.


6. Time Zone Select

The Time Zone setting in the calendar module ensures that worklogs and workplans are displayed accurately based on the user's preferred time zone. By default, the logged-in user inherits the time zone configured in Jira. However, users can manually modify the time zone when switching between different users in the calendar.

When a time zone change is applied, all planned workplans and logged worklogs are automatically adjusted to reflect the new setting. This prevents discrepancies and ensures that scheduled activities remain consistent across different time zones.

For global teams, this functionality enhances collaboration by providing a synchronized view of work entries, ensuring that each user sees the correct times according to their selected time zone. This feature is particularly useful when coordinating across multiple regions, helping teams stay aligned regardless of location.


7. Integrating External Calendars (Google/Outlook Cloud)

Connect an External Calendar

  1. Click on My Calendar at the top.

  2. Select Google or Microsoft from the integration options.

  3. Authorize Timesheet Cloud to access your calendar.

  4. Choose the calendar you want to sync.

  5. Events from the selected calendar will appear in the Calendar module.

Here is a video that illustrates the Integrating External Calendars (Google/Outlook cloud) feature.


Integrating External Calendars (Google/Outlook Cloud) allows users to fetch events in read-only mode, ensuring seamless visibility of scheduled activities without modifying external calendar data.

For more details, please refer to this link Events

3. Managing Workplans & Worklogs from the Calendar

The Calendar module also allows users to create, modify, and delete worklogs & workplans directly from the interface two several methods.

  1. You can easily organize your calendar by using the Drag & Drop feature for worklogs & workplans. If you are the current user, you can move your worklogs to different days by simply dragging and dropping them to the desired date. This allows you to quickly rearrange your work schedule and adjust your plans as needed.



1. Managing Worklogs

  • Creating a Worklog

  1. Click on the + button in the column corresponding to the desired day.

  2. Select the related issue and define the start time.

  3. Add a description and confirm the addition.

  • Editing a Worklog

  1. Click on the three dots (…) next to an existing worklog.

  2. Select Edit to modify the worklog details.

  • Go to worklog

  1. You will be redirected to the Jira issue where the worklog was logged.

  • Deleting a Worklog

  1. Click on the three dots (…).

  2. Select Delete and confirm the removal.

Here is a video that illustrates how to manage worklogs.


2. Managing Workplans

  • Creating a Workplan

  1. Click on the + button in the column corresponding to the desired day.

  2. Select the related issue and define the time range.

  3. Add a description and confirm the addition.

  • Editing a Workplan

  1. Click on the three dots (…) next to an existing workplan.

  2. Select Edit to modify the workplan details.

  • Deleting a Workplan

  1. Click on the three dots (…).

  2. Select Delete and confirm the removal.

  • Converting a Workplan into a Worklog

  1. Convert option allows users to transform a workplan into a recorded worklog.

Here is a video that illustrates how to manage workplans.


4. Calendar View Modes

The module offers multiple viewing modes to adapt the display to user needs:

  1. Worklogs: Displays only logged time entries.

  2. Workplans: Shows only scheduled workplans.

  3. Kanban: Displays a column-based view to track tasks by status.

  4. Agenda: Presents a structured agenda view.

The Agenda view provides a structured and organized display of added worklogs and workplans, offering a clear overview of upcoming logs and plans. Unlike the Kanban views, the Agenda mode has specific characteristics that enhance its usability:

  • No "Add" Button: Users cannot manually create worklogs or workplans using an "Add" button. Instead, all modifications must be performed through existing entries.

  • Drag-and-Drop Only: Creation of worklogs and workplans can only be made via drag-and-drop actions, allowing for seamless rescheduling without opening detailed edit forms.

  • Monthly and Annual Views: The Agenda supports both monthly and yearly perspectives, enabling users to visualize workload distribution over an extended period. This flexibility is particularly useful for long-term planning and tracking progress on scheduled activities.


This structured approach ensures that users interact with existing data efficiently, making it an ideal option for high-level planning and review.

The Calendar module is a powerful tool for managing daily work activities, integrating external events, and ensuring that all planned work is tracked efficiently. By leveraging filtering, user selection, and event conversion, users can enhance productivity and maintain clear visibility of their schedules.